Since the sixth grade I had ,or I thought I had, my life after highschool all planned out.
I would attend a well regaurded University, such as Princeton or Havard, then while studying start to network in the entertaiment industry and BAM!
I would become a succesful actress/ lawyer who would have her own talk show as well creating a charitable organization that bettered the world in some way.
But if I were to tell my counselors that they'd laugh in my face. And apart from that, my views have changed a bit.
Yes, I still want to be an actress and work in the "entertainment industry", I would still like to go to law school(believe it or not) and I will always want to make a positive make on the world, but I now understand that it isn't that easy.
Princeton is never going to happen because I'm from the south, never stepped foot in a private school, and the highest I've gotten on my ACT is a 26.
Now not being able to go to Princeton isn't that big of a deal, there are other schools,but in general I get an overwhelming feeling when I think about life after highschool. Although, I will contiue strive to achieve my goals no matter what, I always have that fear that nothing will ever pan out and I'm going to fail.
What if I don't major in the right thing? What if I can never land a job in the industry? What if I don't get into law school? How can I work in the industry and go to law school? Why can't I pick one career like a normal person?
But then I stop and think about what my parents have told me for ages...
Although, thousands upon thousands of positive and negative things happen to us in our lifetime, I do believe that all happen for a reason, even if it is negative. Throughout my mere 18 years of life, I have experienced a lot; at least I think I have. Although there are others in the world that have had more tragic experiences or have seen more success in life; I would never change anything that has happened to me. My past, every waking second, good or bad, has shaped who I am today. I know that 10 years I will probably be different,but the reason I grow and change is because of the things that has happened in my life.
A good, although cliché, example is the fact that my life and my family’s
life was affected by hurricane Katrina. At the time all I wished for was for
things to go back to normal. To have my house, my school, my friends back.
was hard being uprooted at the age of 10 from everything I’ve ever known. I had
to move to a new city, new state, and new school. My life started over. It was
hard, no doubt, but looking back I’m oddly grateful Katrina hit my hometown.
There was a significant amount of tragedy and hardships, but without it I would
have never left this town. Being forced to move, and loosing everything gave me
a new appreciation for my life, the world around me, and what’s valuable to me.
Therefore without that happening who knows who or where I’d
be. The point being, that I do
believe everything happens for a reason.
At first it might not be clear why,
but in the end a person is the sum of their experiences.
Therefore, no matter what happens after highschool, it'll be ok. In the end veything will sort it self out.
Well I guess that's enough for this angsty, senior rant. I know I haven't written in a while, but senior year has been,like I said,overwhelming.
I am going to try to start writing more, and hopefully about non-school realated things. I'm going to try to start writing about other topics, but hopefully me sharing my "Senior Year" thoughts help. I feel like I'm not alone on this one, I think alot of seniors struggle with "life after high school" so if you've stumbled upon this blog, hopefully it's been helpful.
If you want to see more of my thoughts, views, and complete randomness about life checkout my YouTube Channel at
And until nextime, Stay Random