Monday, September 1, 2014

Lovin' Life | RandomnessOfShaye

Ever have those lovely moments of perfect clarity when you realize how wonderful life is?

Well I had one of those moments this weekend. Honestly, all weekend.

This weekend started Friday with my high-school's first football game of the season. I arrived early to help paint some of the guy's chest with our school's color and some of the football player's names. At first I was pretty nervous because I kinda get really shy sometimes and I didn't want to be aco-taco in front of a bunch of handsome shirtless guys! To my surprise, I actually was pretty fabulous( if I do say so myself)!!! I wasn't shy or awkward AND I actually got to paint this super gorgeous guy and I even had a lovely chat with him. I guess you could say I blossomed, came out of my shell, transformed into a social butterfly!

oh. and my highschool actually won the football game. Which NEVER happens!

As for Saturday. Well I didn't do much except have a nice little cuddle with my dogs because I didn't quite feel well.

On the bright side my dad, who's work requires him to be on the road for 2 weeks at a time, was able to come home this weekend. So he arrived on Saturday night so that was lovely, because I really miss him when he's away.

Sunday was quite lovely. The day consisted of my family, my pool, a good book, and BBQ. It was the first day in about a week where it wasn't extremely hot out and wasn't raining. So the weather was perfect, at least according to Louisiana standards.

Today. Well first of all it's Monday and I don't have school! So that's awesome!

Pretty much today has been a day of tiding, hanging with the fambam and catching up on my internet duties(making videos,blogging, and watching British YouTubers).

For the most part the weekend has been pretty chill, nothing that exciting, but I think that's why it made me so happy. I just love the fact, that normally when I am happiest it's in the moments that are just averagely beautiful. Spending time with family, reading a good book, or just watching YouTube videos.

I suppose that it truly is the little things that are most important.

With that, I leave you with some pictures from my weekend :)

Until next time, stay random

me and my mum before the football game

some of my friends

the game

I didn't mention my friend's and I new obsession was the new avatar app, but my bestie Maddie made this of  us. I have the flower crown, Maddie has Pikachu

Majestic photo of a float in my pool

my pool

dad BBQing 

The really good book I was reading. Super cute, fun read

another majestic picture of my pool


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