Sunday, August 3, 2014

Thoughts On Relationships, and My Lack of One

Recently I was at work and I was chatting to a friend,who is a bit older that me, and we were on the very discussed topic of boys. I was explaining to her how I'd love to have a boyfriend this upcoming senior year, and how I am pretty rubbish when it comes to "flirting" and all other things that come with catching a special someone's eye.  After confessing this very typical teenage girl insecurity she replied with, " The reason you don't have one is because you want one." Now before I indulge on my intense confusion and frustration with this statement, let me give you a bit of background.

Hi. My name is Shaye, I am 18, and I have never had a boyfriend. I have never been on a date or had a date to a school dance. My first, and only kiss, took place when I was 17 and was a stage kiss for a production of Cinderella and my co-star who I had to kiss was 4 years younger than me. 

Now before you assume that I'm saying this out of pity for myself or embarrassment, think again.  Now although 12 year old Shaye always dreamed of having that wonderful High School Musical-like romance that included dance numbers, singing and Zac Efron, I honestly don't regret where I stand on the romance experience chart.(except the whole musical number,because that would've been AWESOME).

Now I know I at this point I probably sound like Olive Penderghast from Easy A, but quite frankly Burt Royal hit the nail on the head when he wrote that movie. I mean who doesn't love 80's movies, The Scarlet Letter and Lobster Todd; but I digress from my affection for the film.

Honestly, though I am not upset that I haven't had a boyfriend thus far in my life, it would be nice to have one now. 

I am a hopeless romantic, I love LOVE and seeing couples makes me so happy. But, occasionally, I do get pretty bummed about it. My younger brother has been dating one of my best friends for more than a year, 
my uncle is about to get married, and my parents got married at 17 and have been together for over 25 years. Yet, here I am 3 years older than my parents were when they first met.

So naturally I have to wonder why I haven't met someone yet. I mean I'm not exactly looking for THE ONE just yet, but it would be nice to meet someone who fancies me as much as I fancy them.

Now back to the opening paragraph of this post. 

See after coming home and being confused and frustrated by what my friend said, I think I kinda sorted it out.  I don't think she was trying to tell me to stop wanting a relationship, I mean most teenagers do, but I think she was trying to say not to worry about it. With multiple romantic comedies to back me up on this, I think romance is unpredictable. 

Love, whether it's puppy love, first love, love at first sight, or old love; all love is magical. Cliche, yes, but it's the truth. As hard as we try to calculate love and match people up through a computer, nothing is more mysterious and unpredictable than love. 

So I think what my friend was trying to tell me is that I can't anticipate a relationship. When the right guy comes along to sweep me off my feet or just simply asks me on a date, the time will be right. Like anything in life, you can't rush it. Because the beauty in life is its numerous amounts of beautiful surprises.

Therefore I will wait patiently. I will still admire handsome boys and chat with those who are nice to chat with, but I won't worry about what that little chat could turn into. 

Quite frankly, I do love surprises. 

With that I encourage you to love LOVE even if you haven't quite found it yet,but more importantly, to remember that love doesn't always come in the form of a relationship. So spread all love as much as possible, and maybe you'll get a little back.

Well until next time, STAY RANDOM!


I also am STILL trying to figure out how to put my links to my social media on my actual blog page, but I'm not very tech savey.  So until then....

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